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Invisalign Braces by John Orthodontics

Invisalign in Parkland & Coral Springs, FL

The Invisalign logo to show that this orthodontist offers Invisalign in Parkland FL

Straighten Your Smile FAST with Invisalign®

Out with the old, in with the new. This seems to be the trend when comparing traditional wire braces with the advanced technology of Invisalign aligners. Instead of wires and brackets, the Invisalign system uses clear, customized, and removable teeth trays called aligners. Virtually invisible to the naked eye, these aligners typically straighten your smile quicker than metal braces, and the best part is that no one needs to know you’re straightening your teeth! As an early adopter of Invisalign technology, Dr. John is your premier Coral Springs and Parkland Invisalign orthodontist.

The Invisalign Process®

Dr. John and her friendly orthodontic team make your Coral Springs & Parkland Invisalign process easy:

  • Talk to a professional Invisalign® Provider: During your consultation, Dr. John will determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. At this point, you can ask questions such as the cost of Invisalign, dental insurance, and any additional concerns.
  • A tailor-made plan is created for you: Using advanced 3-D computer graphics technology, Dr. John will create a highly specialized plan made precisely for the unique shape of your mouth. At this point, we’ll be able to tell you the approximate length of your treatment.
  • Receive your custom aligners: Based on your specific treatment plan, a series of aligners are made just for you. You’ll wear the aligners for the majority of the day, only removing them to eat, drink, floss and brush.
  • Wear aligners for two weeks at a time: Roughly every two weeks, you progress to a new set of aligners signifying you’re one step closer to being done with your treatment. Occasional check-ups will be scheduled to ensure that your smile is progressing on pace. Depending on the severity of the adjustments needed, they may send as few as 12 aligners, or as many as 48.
  • Show off your new smile: You made it! You now have the perfect smile you’ve always wanted. Most clients will be asked to wear a retainer at night to keep your teeth in their new position.

As the most respected Coral Springs Invisalign expert, Dr. John will give you the smile you deserve in no time!

Introducing Invisalign Teen®

While Invisalign greatly benefits adults, it’s no secret that teenagers can also benefit from this revolutionary orthodontic treatment. At John Orthodontics, we offer Invisalign Teen, a specialized version of Invisalign that caters to the unique needs and concerns of younger patients. Invisalign Teen uses the similar clear aligners system that gently shifts teeth into their desired position. With added features like compliance indicators and free replacement aligners, Invisalign Teen is the perfect choice for teenagers who want to straighten their teeth without compromising their lifestyle.

From picture day to prom photos to graduation, your teen will have many photo opportunities, and more than likely, he or she will not want to share the spotlight with the wires and brackets used in traditional braces. Dr. John is both an Invisalign and Invisalign Teen provider in the Coral Springs, Coconut Creek & Parkland areas. If your teen is looking to achieve a straight, healthy smile, then Invisalign Teen may be the right choice!

What is the Difference Between Invisalign® and Invisalign Teen®?

While the two treatments work using the same mechanics, the main difference between Invisalign and Invisalign Teen is that the latter is designed specifically to cater to the unique needs of teenagers. Invisalign Teen offers several features that are not included in the standard Invisalign treatment. These include:

  • Compliance indicators: Invisalign Teen features small blue dots on the aligners that fade over time, indicating to both the patient and orthodontist how long the aligners have been worn. This feature is especially helpful for teenagers who may be more prone to forgetting to wear their aligners. It also gives parents a chance to monitor their child’s treatment.
  • Eruption tabs: Invisalign Teen aligners feature small, scalloped edges that are designed to accommodate the complete eruption of teeth. This feature is especially useful for teenagers who are still in the process of getting their adult teeth.
  • Free replacement aligners: Invisalign Teen provides six free replacement aligners to ensure that the treatment stays on track. This is an important feature that provides peace of mind for parents and ensures that the treatment is completed successfully.

Overall, Invisalign Teen offers all the benefits of Invisalign with added features that cater to the specific needs of teenagers. At John Orthodontics, we offer both Invisalign and Invisalign Teen to ensure that our patients have access to the best orthodontic treatments available.

Top Braces & Invisalign Provider in Parkland & Coral Springs

Please watch the video below to learn how we are making the difference! :

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Invisalign® & Invisalign Teen® in Parkland, FL

Why Invisalign?

Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign is favorable in many aspects. Invisalign aligners are discreet and virtually undetectable when worn. This means that users can smile confidently throughout the entire treatment. The traditional method of using brackets and wires not only creates a clunky mouthful of metal, it can be uncomfortable for the user, with wires that can poke and irritate the mouth. Invisalign, on the other hand, is smooth, fitting precisely on your teeth. Made from impeccably accurate 3-D computer graphics, each set of Invisalign aligners is custom made for your mouth. After determining if Invisalign is right for you, Dr. John submits precise treatment instructions to Invisalign’s headquarters where they use advanced computer technology to create tailor-made, finely calibrated aligners.

Is Invisalign Right For Everyone?

Many people in need of orthodontic treatment are unaware that Invisalign is an option and are often shocked to learn of the multitude of problems that Invisalign can fix. Invisalign works best for individuals in need of mild to moderate orthodontic adjustments. That said, some orthodontic treatments are too complex to be treated with Invisalign (at least in the beginning of the process).

If followed correctly, the Invisalign process is extremely effective. However, users must be vigilant in the process and wear the aligners at least 22 hours per day. The aligners are only to be removed to eat, floss, and brush your teeth. The temptation to remove the aligners more than suggested is too difficult for some to resist which is why Invisalign is not recommended for children, but more for adults and older teens. Contact Dr. John, your favorite Coral Springs Orthodontist, to make an appointment determining if Invisalign is right for you.

How often must I wear my aligners?

Aligners must be worn for 22 hours daily. They are only to be removed for eating, drinking, flossing and brushing.

Are there restrictions to what I can eat while in treatment?

The beauty of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable so you can continue to eat the foods you love. Prior to putting your aligners back on, it is imperative to brush your teeth and clean the aligners.

Will wearing the aligners affect my speech?

There will be a short adjustment period, but any changes in speech are minimal and will improve as the user gets used to the aligners.

Is there any discomfort with Invisalign treatment?

There will be slight pressure and minor discomfort for the first day or two when you progress to a new aligner. However the discomfort is minimal compared to metal braces.

Can I chew gum?

The aligners must be removed prior to chewing gum as the gum may stick to the plastic aligners.

Can I smoke with my aligners in?

It’s recommended to remove aligners prior to smoking as the smoke may discolor the plastic aligners.

How do I keep my aligners clean?

To maintain your aligners’ cleanliness, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush with toothpaste to brush them gently. Rinse them thoroughly in lukewarm water before putting them back on to avoid any soap residue. Avoid using hot water, as this can warp or damage the aligners. Additionally, you can use the Invisalign cleaning crystals or soak them in a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide for a more thorough cleaning.

How often do I see my Coral Springs Orthodontist while wearing Invisalign?

Visits are planned every 5-6 weeks. This ensures that your Invisalign treatment is progressing as scheduled.

What happens after the treatment is complete? Do I need retainers?

All Invisalign patients are instructed to wear a retainer at night while they sleep indefinitely. These retainers are comfortable and will ensure a healthy bite and beautiful smile.

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

Treatment varies case-by-case. Treatment time is almost always shorter than traditional braces and usually falls between 6-18 months.

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

Treatment varies case-by-case. Treatment time is almost always shorter than traditional braces and usually falls between 6-18 months.

Get Your FREE Consultation Today

Welcoming patients in Coral Springs, Parkland, Coconut Creek, and the other neighborhoods that surround our practice. We are proud to be a trusted orthodontic practice that has helped countless patients achieve the smile they’ve always wanted with Invisalign. With our expertise and dedication to personalized care, you can trust that your orthodontic treatment will be tailored to your specific needs and goals. Dr. John and her team of experts will take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your dental health.

So if you’re ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more confident smile, schedule a free consultation with John Orthodontics today. We are excited to help you achieve the smile you deserve!

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Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00am-5:30pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Once A Month
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